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The Betta Blog(Siamese fighting fish)

Updated: Aug 24, 2020

Here's Everything you've wanted to know about the Beautiful Betta Fish also known as the Siamese fighting fish.


You might have been told that bettas don’t need a heated aquarium by a pet store owner or employee, but this simply isn’t the case betta fish are Tropical fish. This doesn’t mean keep your tank at room temperature. While bettas can “survive” at room temperature, they will more than likely be stressed and prone to getting sick and lethargic. This is where a common misconcep

tion of betta fish being lazy comes from. These fish are too cold to move around making them seem lazy. bettas live in waters that stay in a temperature range of mid-70’s to mid-80's. Unless your room falls in this range year round, you're going to need a heater to see your betta fish thrive

There's a myth that say's Betta fishes are lazy. True??

I believe this myth comes from many betta fish keepers noticed that their betta seems sluggish or inactive when watching them. Because of this people naturally, assume that these fish tend not to do much. This, however, is simply false. Most of the time the reason for this slow betta is due to the betta’s tank being too cold. Betta's are cold-blooded animals. If their tank is cold, their body and metabolism slow down. Given the appropriate temperature and room to move, these fish are active and curious fish. In fact, these fish are so inquisitive that they prefer tanks with decorations* or live plants to keep them stimulated in their tank. *Side note: Bettas have long flowing fins and because of this sharp decorations have been known to tear their delicate fins.

If you want a list of some betta friendly tank decorations, feel free to check out my post on -->>

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